Welcome to
Build Better
Congrats! We are beyond pumped to have the opportunity to get to work with you as you begin your journey to getting more out of your business!
And, honestly, not just more out of your business, but more out of life! We believe that we ought to be able to find enjoyment and fulfillment in what we do. To find The Good Life!
At Build Better, it is our mission to help builders and construction professionals remove the chaos of homebuilding and gain simplicity, predictability and more profitability.
Are you ready to do this? LET’S GO!!
Welcome to Build Better
You made it!! So happy to have you here with us! Welcome to an amazing community of builders that are determined to improve their businesses and BUILD BETTER!
We want to share any and every possible trick and tip to help you go make it happen!
These tips spurred growth from $3 million to almost $40 million and we know that it can do the same for your business!Get ready for all sorts of amazing content delivered to you weekly over the next several months. Learn from these courses and engage fully with our community and watch your business take off in new, unimaginable ways!! Let’s go get it!
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The Build Better Framework
The Build Better Framework is the secret sauce that we developed over 5+ years of trial
and error in our own business. Everything that we did incredibly right, as well as crucial
mistakes that nearly destroyed us! We’ve packaged that all up into 7 key principles that
will unlock the potential in your business:- Build a BELIEF MINDSET
- Build a VISION
- Build a NETWORK
- Build a TEAM
- Build a SYSTEM
We will take a deep dive with you over and over on how you can follow these steps to
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blow the roof off of your business!
The Power of Vision
A vision is your first defense against any pitfalls that your business will inevitably encounter. It’s also the compass that will tell you when to tackle each of the incredible opportunities your business will inevitably encounter!
While no vision work is wasted work, this course will make sure the time you spend building a vision for your company is used efficiently while creating a vision you really believe in and know how to go after!
We’ll cover the basics of vision in this module and then in further modules we’ll go deeper by breaking down the major components of visions that allow your business to fly!
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Long Term Planning
By definition, a vision is a picture or view of something in front of you. In this module we’ll uncover a powerful exercise that will help open your mind to the massive potential that is sitting right in front of you and your business.
Be ready to suspend your current reality, put on your imagination cap, and dream a little
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here. We know what you are capable of! By the end of this module, we’re confident you’ll see it too!
Short Term Milestones
Once you have a vision of where your company can go, it’s time to get to work and
embark on the journey. But we know that can be overwhelming! Especially if you dream
as big as we do at Build Better!No worries! As the ancient Chinese proverb says, “Even the longest journeys begin with
a single step”. We’re here to show what that first step is, and the one after that… and the
next one too. In fact, we’re going to hold your hand through the whole thing, because
that’s what we do.But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! This module is all about identifying the first few steps in your journey toward your vision. So take a deep breath, smile at your future, and click
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Sales & Marketing
Sales Funnels and Guaranteed Contracts
Any successful business begins with the ability to sell. It’s no different in building and selling homes. There are many tools that can effectively be used to sell homes. Model homes, MLS, realtor relations, word of mouth and more. What if there was a way to accurately predict the number of new leads, sales appointments and contracts? With the effective implementation of a Sales Funnel, you can take the guesswork out of it and accurately plan for future contracts.
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Your Website Sucks and How To Fix It
Guess where people start their shopping for new homes. Online! It is a researched and proven fact that the buyer process begins here. We live in a fast paced world that gives buyers access to researching dozens of builders quickly with just a few clicks. You’ve got just a few moments to either capture this lead, or lose them to another builder.
How successful have you made your website to capture new buyer leads? Remember that the #1 job of your website is to get a name and email address, giving you the ability to continue to market to this potential buyer.
Learn a few quick tips to increasing the effectiveness of your website as a powerful
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marketing tool.
Tracking Key Sales Numbers
In this lesson you will learn the key metrics that should be tracked when implementing a successful Sales funnel.
- Total Ad Spend – Track your dollars spent each week/month directing traffic to your site
- Website Traffic – Track the number of unique website visits
- Generated Leads – How many registered leads were generated (Name, email, phone)
- New Sales Appointments – Track the number of new sales appointments kept (not
scheduled) - Active Sales Pipeline – Track the number of lot reservations or design deposits
- Contracts Signed – How many new contracts were signed
Industry Averages
- Website Traffic to Registered Lead – 1-3% conversion rate
- Registered Lead to Appointments – 30-35% conversion rate
- Appointments to Contracts – 20-25% conversion rate
- 5000 Website Visitors
- 100 Registered Leads (1-3% conversion)
- 32 Sales Appointments (30-35% conversion)
- 7 New Contracts (20-25% conversion)
Build your own scorecard, track your own conversion percentages and measure against these industry averages to continually tweak and improve the effectiveness of your website and sales funnel strategies.
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Build a Dream Sales Team
In this lesson we are going to look at the powerful advantages to hiring and training an in-house sales team.
The 3 major functions of all good businesses are Finance, Operations and Sales/Marketing. Because Sales is one of the major functions of your business, you
should think twice about contracting this important role to an outside company.An in-house sales team gives you the benefit of FULL-TIME employment from the members of your Sales Team. With full-time employment comes the focused attention on YOUR company. Your Sales Team will have a greater understanding of your product, your customer and your company culture. And, will be in daily communication and collaboration with your entire team.
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The $250k Sales Secret
Have you ever seen the movie Inception? One of my all time favorites! The “dream within the dream” is a fun and fascinating movie idea that keeps you on the edge of your seat!
Well, guess what! The business within the business is for real! The business of real
estate that lives within the business of homebuilding is a gold mine of untapped potential for most builders! In this video we want to teach you the business principles to maximize this profitable income potential.Learn how to generate hundreds of thousands of additional profitable income
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immediately by building this business within your business.
Cashflow & Profitability
Accounting Base to Increase Profitability
Any of you builders out there absolutely dread their accounting days like I do? Jumping into Quickbooks and spreadsheets doesn’t have to continue to suck the life right out of you. There is a much simpler approach to accounting that will have you doing less accounting, but with more profitability than you could have imagined.
This video will guide you through a few short and simple action:
- Establish a strong base for accounting
- Develop simple and meaningful accounting reports
- Track, analyze and improve
Take these steps and watch your profitability start to grow immediately
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Cashflow: Don’t Let Your Business Rob You
The game of cash management and profit control for builders is not for the faint of heart. Do it well, and rise to the top in your market. Do it poorly, and you may not last long.
Through our own journey of growth, we very nearly became one of those that didn’t last long when we lost over $900k in one year due to poor cash management and accounting practices. Can I just say how terrible it really was!? Like, bad! Luckily, we survived and learned some incredibly valuable lessons that will prevent any builder from ever taking that same terrible path.
This lesson is going to teach you valuable lessons about job costing, budgeting and future forecasting that will give you the high profitability, strong cash position and good vibes!
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But Lots Like a Rich Man
Imagine you’ve been given the opportunity to purchase lots in one of the most popular up and coming subdivisions in your market. The developer has asked you to come to a lot selection meeting with the other builders in that community. You sit down and review your current financials and cash position and make the determination that you can only afford to purchase a maximum of 4 lots in the subdivision. Exciting, yes! But, what if there was a legit way that you could option FOUR TIMES the number of lots and walk out with a confident plan in place to pay them off, yet conserve your cash? That is 16 lots instead of 4! Just think of what that is going to do for your bottom line at the end of the year once you’ve built and sold 16 homes in this beautiful new subdivision!
Well, this course is going to walk you through 3 steps to buy lots with ZERO CASH and with the #1 preferred method of financing. This is a proven model that we have used for several years now. It works! Implement these steps into your lot purchases and you will truly Buy Lots Like a Rich Man!
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Bank Relations / Lines of Credit
Are you loaded with more money than you know what to do? Congratulations! You can skip this section and use all of your own capital to make all of your building dreams come true! But, I’m not! And, I’m guessing most of you are not! You’ve got great skills, business plans and an ability to go out and run a successful business. You just don’t have the millions of dollars needed to make it all happen!
This course will teach you that your banker, not your dog, is a builder’s best friend. Look at two different types of financing available to builders. Understand what figures matter most to the banks and why you should focus on these numbers. With your focus and attention directed to the right key measurables, you will see banks opening up their pocketbooks to partner with you and your business! Go get your millions to unlock the potential of your business!
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The Power of CFO’s and Management Reports
Confession time! I was a Finance Faker for 16 years before finally coming clean. And, I will never be a Finance Faker again! I have seen the light!
For years, I was encouraged by my leadership team to hire a legit, experienced CFO. I always pushed back. To be honest, I didn’t see the need. I thought I had it all figured out on my own. I had no idea of the untapped power of a CFO in helping to unlock the profit potential for our company.
You want to become more profitable, quicker!? Stop being a Finance Faker today! Hire a CFO and you won’t be disappointed with the results! Full time, part time, super part time. Whatever works for you. But, do it! This course will guide you through some of the
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key activities to hand over to a dedicated CFO and how it will immediately begin to affect your bottom line.
Scorecards and Key Metrics
Why Profit, Cash and Equity Matter Most
Imagine you just finished a hard fought 4 quarters of basketball. The final buzzer goes off. Both teams return to their benches. They look up to the scoreboard, only to realize that the scoreboard wasn’t even working the entire time. Both teams look at each other and at the scorer’s table with confusion. Why? Because they were both playing to win! The teams had conditioned, practiced and competed to go out and win the game. How do they know if they win, without a final scoreboard?
In this module, we are going to talk about the final scoreboard for your business. You should also be playing to win in your business! While there are many important numbers related to business, let’s look at The Big 3 and how they most accurately represent a true “final score” for your business that matters.
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The Strategic Tool of Company Financials
Have you ever gotten chills while watching the coach give the “pump up” speech prior to a game or at halftime!? I have! Maybe I’m a sucker for sports and I’m the only one.
But, I’ll tell you what, there is power in great coaching! And, great coaching often comes from acknowledging the scoreboard and key statistics, then making adjustments to shift momentum, then coming back on the floor with a gameplan to WIN!
It is exactly the same in business. In this module, we are going to talk about a couple of key scoreboard numbers to be watched and tracked continually in your business. And, not just tracked, but used consistently to make adjustments needed to ensure all kinds of success in your business!
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Team Metrics: Key Numbers to Track Weekly
I’m a sports fanatic and the Utah Jazz are my team! Did you know that if I missed watching a game (which never happens), but you provided me with a complete set of stat sheets for the team that show offensive rating, defensive rating, shooting percentage, team rebounds, assists and more, that I could tell you EXACTLY who won the game even though I didn’t watch it!? It’s true! Great stats are a predictor of great success…or failure.
It’s the same in business! In this video you will learn the importance of establishing team metrics, to be tracked weekly in your business. Metrics that when hit consistently, will determine the course of your business.
Don’t spend another week without these important numbers (metrics, measurables, key performance indicators). They will change the course of your business immediately!
Individual Metrics: Clarity and Accountability
Last week we learned about Team Metrics. You wanna know how to succeed in scoring high on important team metrics? I’ll tell you! Score high on individual metrics!
That’s right, individual stats actually DO matter. If you have a full basketball team of players that each understand their individual roles on the team, and excel in those roles, then you are guaranteed to see the team metrics follow. But, it only works if the players understand and stick to their roles.
In business, it is crucial that each individual in your organization be assigned ONE key metric. One number, above all, that matters most to the overall success of the business. This will provide intense accountability and focus to each person and will drive success toward team metrics and ultimately the entire company.
Team Building
Building Powerful Teams
This module is juicy! You’ll get a quick peek into how we almost ran a successful homebuilding business into the ground because we had no idea how to hire people!
You’ll get some great pointers we’ve collected from the National Association of Home Builders, as well as tips from hard earned lessons we experienced while growing a home building company to proportions we never anticipated.
Who and When to Hire
Remember that game at the arcade called Whack-a-Mole? This module is all about how FAR too often we end up playing that game at work. No, not actually swinging large foam coated mallets at plastic moles in a neon lit machine. This Whack-a-Mole game is a lot less playful and had much more dire consequences.
We’re going to discuss how getting the right positions created sets your people up for success and growth by helping them know exactly what problems to focus on and when, rather than just swinging that hammer at the closest problem… and sometimes hitting anything but the problem on the head.
Employee Development and Training
We know you’ve seen Top Gun. Basically the biggest studs of all the Navy Pilots get admitted into an elite program to make them the best pilots on the face of the planet! Civilians can’t be sure, but we’re pretty certain they all drive cool motorcycles and have heart throbs strewn across the country.
What makes these elite pilots so heart-throb worthy? TRAINING! This module takes a deep dive on why training your employees is so critical, the massive impact it can have, and exactly what to train on to get the best results! Strap up, and let’s take off!
Leadership Teams and Management
Building a business, and team that runs and grows it, requires strong leadership! And guess what… leadership is not a one man show!
You’ve got to be a good leader, but you also have to get over yourself and get some help! This module will help you understand the why and how of good leadership in building a team that can grow your homebuilding company and bring you the good life!
Systems That Work
Stop Being Run By Your Business
Construction is chaos. If you want to get out of survival mode and start thriving, you need to bring order to the chaos with strong systems. We have been through years of trial and error, hellbent on finding strong, balanced, High Performance Systems that make our building company more predictable, simple, and profitable.
We found those systems. But wanna know what’s even better? We are still refining and upgrading them and this module will continue to be updated as improvements are made. I hope you are pumped to learn the High Performance Systems that helped us 10X our company. Check back often though, cause we are just getting started!
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Identifying Broken Systems
The first step in upgrading your systems is learning how to identify how they can be improved. Let’s make one thing clear, EVERY system can be improved. In this module you will train your eye to analyze things like purpose, policy, simplicity, and automation in your current systems.
Proper care and attention for your business’s systems will keep your ship sailing smooth through any conditions. We are like a cult of system nerds and we want to recruit you. Let’s Go!
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Building Systems That Work
The Build Better Framework in action! How vision, networks, teams, and leadership are the secret ingredients that will turn your good intentions into high performance systems.
Focusing on these four areas allowed us to develop systems that put more money in our pockets and more time on the clock. You can do the same! This module is packed full of examples, tools, and resources that will leave you feeling confident in your ability to make some system magic happen! You are an absolute rockstar. Go get it!
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Let Go Leadership
Get Out Of Your Own Way
Can I just say that you’re not as smart and irreplaceable as you think you are!? I speak from personal experience as one who held on way too hard for way too long to far too many things, thinking in my own head that only I understood exactly how things needed to be with that certain task.
Well, after a few years of practicing delegation wherever possible, I have learned that there is a better way!!
If you’ve found the right people to be a part of your organization, now it is time to give them a little credit for the bright, capable people that they are! Help set a vision and some parameters to work by…and then get out of the way! Let them use their own skills and abilities to do the job!
Use scorecards and reports to monitor progress and be there to offer encouragement, training and support. Learn to get out of your own way, and watch your people and your business thrive!
What Are We Really Building Here
I’ll tell you that building homes, building businesses and making money are all fun and enjoyable activities. I’ve done it for almost 20 years and love what I do.
But, you want to know where real fulfillment and joy come from? It comes from lifting others up. It comes from helping people become better and better versions of themselves. It is living outside of yourself and looking for opportunities to help others thrive. It is through creating jobs. It is through creating opportunities for growth and
progression. It is through relationships. It is through managing priorities and finding balance in life for things that matter most. True joy and fulfillment comes from BUILDING PEOPLE, not homes.Begin your journey to studying, learning and becoming a stronger mentor leader in your business and in your life. It will bless your life immensely, and will bless the lives of all that you strive to serve and lead.